scrub hands
How to take care of his hands?
Our hands are often abused. It is nice to reserve a moment to care. With this grandmother scrub your hands will be soft!Recipe Grandmother
Put baking soda into the bowl.Add some olive oil.
Massage your hands with this homemade scrub.
Rinse with warm water and dry hands.
2 c. Coffee baking soda1 c. Coffee olive oil
Beauty Recipe
Put honey and almond oil in a bowl.
Add the lemon juice and mix.
Massage your hands with this natural treatment for 10 minutes.
Gently rinse with warm water and dry. Your hands are soft as velvet!
3 c. Coffee lemon juice2 c. Coffee honey
2 c. tablespoons of sweet almond oil
Recipe manicure
Put in your bowl of cornmeal.Add the glycerin.
Mix slowly pressing a little lemon juice until smooth and blended.
Apply the cream obtained directly on the hands massaging.
1 c. Coffee cornmeal1 c. Glycerine coffee
A little lemon juice